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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Select specific number of records?

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I'm an infrequent FileMaker who can't figure out how to do something I hope is easy - I want to select only a certain number of records (say 7) after completing a specific search, so I can export an XML file with just the data from those (7) records. I can't figure out how to do it.

I can do all of this, complete the find, compose the XML, etc - I just don't know how to sub-select down to (7) records. I hope this is another step in the script. A tip or the secret or help would be appreciated. - DPAM

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Give us a hint on how you will select these seven records. Do you pick them? Are there 7 different search criteria that need to be automatically used? Are they the first seven records?

If you select them by hand, the technique is to mark the records by and then find the marked records using one of several methods.


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I'd like the first 7 by the current sort order. And I need this to run by script so it can be automated

I know how to manully omit some number of records (but I wouldn't know the total quantity in the set so I can't do that via script). Thanks< Craig

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hmm... if you know how to omit some number of records (I've never tried so I don't know)...

then you could use the Status(CurrentFoundCount) [i think that's what it is] to determine how many records were found. Then omit that number minus 7 from the end of the found set.


Jason Wood


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Try a script as follows (do not mind the syntax, it's the idea).

Show all records

Sort (by your criteria)

go to record [first]



omit record

setfield (gtemp, gtemp+1)

exit loop if gtemp>7 or status(currentfoundcount)<1 (the last for security)

end loop

show omitted


By the way, the status functions are in a menu right above AFTER you specify a script step..

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