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Netscape 4.7 problems.....

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Hello. This is my first post, so I hope this is in the right place. We are operating a shopping cart driven by Filemaker. We are using inlineactions to grab data from multiple related databases and display them on a page.

The first problem is that in Netscape 4.7, we have lost the browser scroll bar. Any thoughts?

The second problem. We are using a redirect page to set a cookie (cartid). The redirect employs a javascript function, "go" to hide the URL. In Netscape 4.7, the page continues to loop and return a javascript error...even when we comment out the javascript...

Third problem. (sorry!) Netscape 4.7 seems to bog down and be really slow, whereas newer versions of netscape and explorer peform quite well.

We are using Filemaker Unlimited 5.5 running through Linux/Apache.

If anyone out there has any thoughts on ANY of my problems above, I would appreciate it.!


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