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Schedule times for 3 different scripts to run

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I am hosting a FM solution on an OSX machine. I have already created a applescript that, when launched, opens all my FM files. I have this script set to lauch upon computer startup. Works great incase the machine crashes and restarts. I want to expand upon this idea. Is there a way to:

1) Somehow set particular times that 3 different applescripts will run. maybe thru the built in CRON in OSX.

2) The first script will close all the open FM files, avoiding the message about connected users, or in other words, shutting the files wether there are any connected users or not. Is it possible to do a script like this?

3) Have a second applescript that copies the files from a local volume to a remote server volume (over wirtting any files with the same names) so that the server will be able to back them up at night. Is this type of script possible?

4) Run my already existing third applescript that opens all my FM files.


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Alternatively, if you don't have a copy of FM Server loaded, then you may be better off looking at using Troi Activator to control the process - from scheduling the scripty runs to remote closure of the files on client machines etc etc.

It is possible and arguably, preferable to an AppleScript approach, since it offers a self-contained and cross-platform FileMaker-based solution.

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I agree that it sound like an appropriate situation for FM Server. That being said, you can wrap your script with an idle handler

on idle


return delaySeconds

end idle

and then save the script as a stay open application.

If you set delay second to 86400 (24*60*60) your script will execute once a day.

Another option is iDo script scheduler. There is a freeware version and a OSX public beta.

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Check out "Cronnix" (I downloaded this a few months age, can't remember where !).

This allows you to edit the CRONTAB file from OS X, rather than getting dirty in "Terminal".

The basic answer is you can use CRON to schedule apple scripts.

Check out www.macosx.com for more info.

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Cronnix works great for this. I can schedule filemaker to quite, copy the files to the backup server, and then re-launch filemaker.

Question: Since I am not using filemaker server, is there a way to use applescript to close the files even if someone left one of them open on the host. My applescript tries to quite filemaker, but if a file is still open I get the diconnect users dialog box. Of course this then will break my solution.


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