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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Executing Script on Found Set

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I am wanting to execute a script that sends an email message to email addresses in a found set of records. I can set up a loop to go to the first record, send email, next record, send email, (loop), but i can't seem to figure out how to get the loop to stop (Exit Loop if).

Is there an easier way to execute the same script (sendmail) on a found set of records?


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Alternatively (jus because you can) you could use the exit Loop step...

Exit Loop If [status(CurrentrecordNumber) = Status(CurrentFoundCount)]

I mention this only because it's a way of exiting a loop at the last record if you're not using the "Go to Record" script steps.

It's also a good intorduction to the useage of the Status functions if you haven't seen them yet. They are extremely powerful!

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