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web publishing with external host

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Help! I've created my databases that I want to share with 5 people via the web. I've created a directory on the external site where my webpage is hosted and added security to it. I'm now ready to publish my databases to it.

In reading the documentation, it sounds like you are required to publish to the web on a local machine. Since my website is hosted elsewhere I need to know how to publish to an external web host. Is it possible?

Thanks for your help.

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You need a machine running FileMaker Pro that has your databases opened and shared. The html format files must also be on the FMP server. You can have a web site on another machine that references the FMP databases, but the dbs and associated html format files must be on the FMP host.

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This topic is 8593 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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