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i am having a problem with the calcualation in a portal. the initial treatment plan has the hours required and remaining. the weekly progress report is where the hours should be subtracted from required.

i just cant seem to figure this out.

the file is attached if someone would like to tell me where i went wrong.

the relational databse is in the second post.



Hi Adam,

I'm not sure what the problem is, I put 3 in AA Progress and it made the calculation to the "Initial Treatment Form" , however, there are no fields other than the dates on the Weekly Progress Report. Am I missing something here.

Also, I hope this will not need to run on a Mac, as the forms did not come through very good.





well the problem is that it adds all the hours are not added up right. if you go to the initial treatment plan and look at behavior modification it has 60 required for Jonas, and remaining is 49 so it seems as if he completed 11 hours of his hours required. but when you go to the weekly progress report, he only did 7. person named first test and second test did 2 hours each. see how it added all of the hours for behavior mod in the weekly progress report and not just for his record.

the initial treatment plan under behavior modification for jonas should say 53 reamining, for first test 48 hours remaining, and for second test 8 hours remaining.


I think you need to change the fields in DRC Progress to Running totals. i.e. Total Progress Behavior Modification options, check the box Running.





That's funny, I changed the one I mentioned and the Remaining in the other database changed to 53.




Here is something that made the field work. I changed the Related field in DRC Progress from Total Progress Behavior Modification to:

Progress Behavior Modification:

The totals now are current. What Total Progress Behavior was giving you was the total for all forms.





ok i got a little bit lost.

first you changed the Total Progress Behavior Modification in the calculation layout in DRC_progress to Progress Behavior Modification::????:???

now is that with the same settings as in the other post where u suggested checking the running total box?


No, I backed off of that, because the Total Progress Behavior Modification calculation was giving a total for all clients instead of the individual clients. I did *not* use the running total in Progress Behavior Modification, the field seemed to be giving the total and you can't do a running total in plain number field, it has to be a summary field.




ok so i leave the Running total box unchecked.


"I changed the Related field in DRC Progress from Total Progress Behavior Modification to:

Progress Behavior Modification:"

you mean the Total Progress Behavior Modification field in DRC_progress/Calculation layout right?:????:???

because i already have a Progress Behavior Modification: field in the weekly progress report itself.


Now I'm getting confused.

First, the total that wasn't working was the Remaining Behavior Modification.

So, I changed its calculation by replacing the DRC_Progress.fp5_ContactID::Total Progress Behavior Modification


DRC_Progress.fp5_ContactID::Progress Behavior Modification:

This seem to produce the total in the field we were looking for.




Alright Adam,

Glad that worked,

That would be the way I would proceed too.

Good Luck



sorry but it still dosent work.

lets say i go to weekly progress report for jonas and make a new progress report for him. i enter 5 hours for behavior mod and in initial treatment plan it still says 53 and not 48.


Hi Adam,

I have to leave for a couple of hours, so I can't look at right now. Maybe some else would care to jump in in the mean time.

But it sounds like a broken link in the totals. If you have made the corrections to this point, post the resulting files again and I'll take a look when I get back.




Hi all,

Joining for fun.

The calc modified show a correct result for me. Are you sure you did change or used the correct relationship ?

60 required - 5 Behaviour mod = 55. Why would you like it to be 48 ?

And it also works for Test 1 and Test 2.


the reason why itshould be forty eight is because i created a another progress report for jonas and gave him 5 hours for behavior mod. he did 7 the first week and 5 the next so he has 12 in total subtracting that from 60 hours required gives you 48. that is the problem that i am having. i also noticed that when you go to weekly progress report, when you select a previous progress report you see the reports for everyone and not just the person you wanted to view the reports for.

the best way that i can describe it is for jonas, make three new progress reports and for each report give him an hour for behavior mod. also do not forget to put a date so you can see them in the main list. you will notice that it will not add up all the behavior mod hours, subtract it from required in the initial treatment plan, then display that outcome in the remaining.


I'm sorry,

You must have got confused and changed some of your calcs or relationships while you were looking for the solution, because it works fine for me. I created (by duplicating) 2 new records for Jonas, changed dates and set the behaviour to 1 and 2. Everything is fine here.

7+1+2 = 10

60-10 = 50 and that is the result I get on DRC Test Database.

Woul you like me to send you back the attachment ?

This topic is 8039 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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