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FM 5.5 & MYOB

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ANYONE had any experience using these 2 applications together..

We have all our databases (ie addresses etc) on Filemaker but all our Accounting is done through MYOB 11 and we can't get the data to share across the 2 software programs??



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Are you trying to create an integrated solution using files written in both apps, or do you just want to be able to export some info from a file in one app to a file in the other?

The former may be impossible, and at the very least will be extremely difficult. The latter should be fairly simple.

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Methinks that thou art screwed, unless thou wouldst

Create within the software that we use

A scheme for the accounting that you need;

This way, thou couldst combine the files as one,

And by the use of some relationships

Achieve the integration thou desir'st.



P.S. Sorry -- suffering from temporary verse; I;ll get over it.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm trying to do a similar thing. I used a couple of AppleScripts and FileMaker scripts to do some importing and exporting both ways between the two. I managed to get the data from one into the other and visa versa. The problem was how to get data integrity. Essentially, MYOB is a real bugger to import into. There doesn't seem to be any way to import records to update existing records. But it was all so long ago I can't remember exactly what the problems were. Never really got it working and just gave up in the end.

Now the users have to keep two sets of client records and inventory records. One in MYOB and one in FMP. Very bad practice, but I cannot find a way around it. Ideally, I'd like to have MYOB be the master for clients and FMP the master for Inventory.

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A solution in verse ?

That seems quite terse

Especialy when you consider

There's no reimburse

Bear this in mind, when you're dead

You'll need some sponduliks for the hearse !

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  • 11 months later...

Did you ever figure out a good way to integrate FM5.5 and MYOB???

I am trying to automate the process to make it as easy as possible for

our accounting dept. We are imported invoices and POs which originate in

FM into MYOB. We are on Windows.

Any Advice is appreciated... [color:"pink"]

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