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If I have a number field num and create a calculation num - Int( num ), using a number such as 15.1 returns 0.0999999999999996 instead of 0.1. But if I use the same calculation in a scripted Set Field [ ], it returns the correct answer 0.1.

Any idea for the variation, and more importantly, how can you force the calculation to return the correct number without screwing it up?


Hi JT,

Classic Computer limitation vs Math Logic !

It's good practice to round the result of a Mod function when working with decimal value. I assume it's the same here.

I've recently seen posted somewhere that on some computer, a "0.1" value would return something like .09999999999996 (was it 8 at the end ?), and that any computer consider a decimal value as a calculated value.


So Round(Num-Int(Num),1) would do it


if you want to catch any decimal places,

Round(Num-Int(Num),Rightwords(Num,13)), 13 being the decimal limits of FM.


Here's the quotes from another list about quite the same. Might be of interest.

The Question

" I am no mathematician but this seems peculiar...

I have a test database with two fields:

1. Number, Type: Number

2. Calc, Type: Calculation = NumToText(Mod(Number,1))

a) When I type 1.7 into Number the calculation field displays ".7"

: When I type 43.7 into Number the calculation field displays


c) When I type 47.3 into Number the calculation field displays


I would expect .7 for : and .3 for c)

Why do I get these results??? "

The Answer , by Charles Durrwachter.

"The short answer is that numbers have a 14 place limit in FMPro.

Numbers under .x5 round down, numbers > .5 and < 1 round up. [Where x is any number of digits up to 13] In the grand scheme of things as far as computers are concerned they average out. [Actually it was a limit of the 16 bit and the 32 bit emulators OS systems]

All computers really do is add and subtract at their basic level; and a

decimal value is a calculated value for a computer. Any calculated value

will show the typical compound error accumulation of


Hmm. I am a mathematician and it still bugs me. I understand the compounded error problem, but I didn't know it affected subtraction so heavily.

My solution was to use

Round(num - Int(num), Length(RightWords(num, 1))).



Duh...I definitely needed some sleep wink.giftongue.gif

I just went back to post this too.

13 words I was putting there in my first version. My god !

But then the whole calc coud also be :





Strange. Works perfectly on the French version. When tested over a file I've download from here with US settings, not workey !!!confused.gif

Why did you say neither. Doesn't yours work ?


Ok, got it.

while the numeric separator in the French version is ",", the US separator is ".".

This means, on my computer,

MOTSFIN(num; 1)*0,1^ LONGUEUR(MOTSFIN(num; 1))

works perfectly


While to make it work with the US, I needed a substitute step

(RightWords(Substitute(num,"."," "),1)*0,1^Length(RightWords(Substitute(num,"."," "),1))


Yeah, I figured it had something to do with the period/comma difference.


You're right. It doesn't work for all numbers either. What a pain in the butt!


The goal is to format a text field that contains numbers, to 3 decimal places. So 37 becomes 37.000 and 37.0138 becomes 37.014, etc.

I believe I have it now.

Int(num) & Case(not Int(num) or not (num - Int(num)), ".") & Left(Round(Right(num, Length(num) - Length(Int(num))), 3) & "000", 4)




Int(num) & "." & Left(Substitute(Round(Mod(num,1),3),".","") & "000",3)


It still requires a substitute due to the ".", and I don't want to only truncate it to three decimal places. I want to round so it appears exactly like it would if you had a number field formatted to show three decimal places.

Thanks for all the help. I think I've got my answer now. smile.gif


Hi Ugo and Queue,

Just to jabber on a bit about this....

Int(num) & "." & Left(Substitute(Round(Mod(num,1),3),".","") & "000",3)

Fails on negative numbers. I've played (actually struggled) with this some time ago, and the 'easiest' calculation I could come up with was:

Case(Round(num, 2) < 0 , "-") &

Truncate(Round(Abs(num), 2), 0 ) &

"," &

Right(100 + Mod(Round(Abs(num) * 100 , 0 ), 100 ), 2 )

This is of course for rounding to two decimal places...




Ah, good point. This, however, works with negatives.

Int(num) & "." & Left(Substitute(Round(Mod(Abs(num),1),3),".","") & "000",3).

Or, in general, Int(num) & "." & Left(Substitute(Round(Mod(Abs(num),1),Y),".","") & Z,Y), where Y is the number of desired decimal places and Z is "0" repeated Y number of times.

Thanks for the warning, Ernst. smile.gif


Hey Queue,

Sorry to be such a pain, but I think your last formula goes wrong between 0 and -1.

Background for this nitpicking:

I had to sort this out when I made a quotation generator for our company some time ago; when I just started using it I sent customers quotations with -small- errors in the grand total. Did not really give the right impression... So I made a database with some 'critical' ranges of input values for test purposes.




This one works with negative numbers too:

Round(Num, 3) &

Middle(".000", 2+Length(Round(Num, 3))-Position(Round(Num, 3)&".",".",1,1), 4)

So, you can take your pick. smile.gif

And, a general formula for any number of decimal places:

Round(Num, D) &

Middle(Left(".00000000000000000",D+1), 2+Length(Round(Num, D))-Position(Round(Num, D)&".",".",1,1), D+1)

where D is the required number of decimal places.

<<Edit: Well, it doesn't put the zero in front of the decimal point for numbers in the range -1< n < 1, so it's not perfect >>


Congrats Bob, your calculation stands the test!

Just one thing though, numbers between 0 and -1 do not get a leading zero, which does not look so nice.

I mean -0.5 is displayed as -.5

But I do agree that this is nitpicking in it's purest form wink.gif




Some hours later....

On my French Version, this calc turns OK for negative values, including 0 to 1 or -1 to 0 values.

Int(num) & "," & Left((RightWords(Round(num,3),1)*1000),3)

which would mean that to be acounted for dots separator instead of commas, this calc should be modified to :

Int(num) & "." & Left((RightWords(Substitute(Round(num,3),"."," "),1)*1000),3)

Is it working for you ?


Well I tried and maybe I'm doing something wrong, but this one does not work for me.

Int(num) for example, will give 0 as result between 0 and -1, so there will be no minus sign between those values.

Hey, I see that your modfied version (for period in stead of comma) has an extra step in it. I'll try that one and get back...



Hmmm sorry, does not appear to work either.

Goes wrong when the decimal part of the input is smaller then 0,1

Excusez moi.


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