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BCC Email


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I've done some research on here, so please confirm I am correct in assuming that you can't script to email in the BCC field.

Secondly, that using the URL mailto function does not allow you to mail to the group of records as a result of a search (i.e the found records).

Basically what i'm trying to accomplish is to send an email to a group of people in the bcc field.

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That's correct.

To do that you'd need to use a third-party plug-in such as SMTPit, or get into some fancy work using 'Send Message[ ]' or 'Perform AppleScript[ ]' (depending on your platform) or possibly sending a long string via the browser with the OpenURL[ ] command, to pass data indirectly to the default email client.

IMHO, the plug-in option is the cleanest way to go, as it doesn't depend on the configuration of the default email application. Also, the plug-ins come with example scripts showing how to loop through the found records sending multple emails in a batch.

FWIW, Info on the plug-in I mentioned is available at:


There are a few others, but the above one is widely used and highly respected, and would be a good place to start. You can get free demo downloads and example files from the above site.

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I tried to do exactly the same thing as you are describing and guess what, it is possible even without plugin (which I didnt want to use).

My solution is using Open URL sript step. According to RFC 2368 for mailing standards you can use multiple parameters with mailto command. I tested my solution on Windows XP (mail client Outlook XP) and OSX (Mail application) with FMP 6.0v4 and it worked like a charm.

The syntax of mailto command for sending to bcc address would be mailto:[email protected]

you can add other paramaters also, just make sure you separate them with &.

Example mailto:[email protected]&[email protected]&[email protected]&subject=This%20is%20test&20body=empty

Using of %20 is neccessary because spaces (and other special characters) are not allowed in URL definition.

Your second question: yes, you can.

I am using these scripts:

First step: Using Loop and Go to Record/Request/Page [Exit after last, Next] I scroll throgh all records in Found List and write emails to a Global field "List"

Second step: Open URL [No dialog, emailURL] where emailURL is a name of calculation field containing this formula "mailto:?bcc=" & List

And that is all, hope it is clear enough.

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