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This should be simple, but I can't figure it out.

I'm developing with FM6, while it's being hosted (via FMServer on Linux) to users. The files I'm developing are being hosted, however they're not being opened by the startup script & therefore, not being accessed by other users.

I've recently found that a new file (Elem_Class.fp5), that I created about 3 weeks ago, is being opened twice. I checked the file paths of both these files. The fist is the hosted file, the second is the file as it exists in the directory. I checked the relationships & value lists of the other related files, to make sure that 'relative' location is always, checked... it is.

Now here's where things get weirder:

I was slowly working my way through the related files, trying to see which relationship opens the (non-hosted) version of Elem_Class.fp5. In browse mode, I selected a field is defined to use a valuelist that is created by values from Elem_Class.fp5. Then I got this message:

This is Filemaker Pro Release 6.0. "Elem_Class.fp5" was created by version?.?? of Filemaker and cannot be opened by this version. Please use FileMaker ?.?? to view this file.


I then went to the valuelist dialogue and the valuelist was broken <file missing>, same for the relationships.

This is the first time that I've ever seen this message, and I suspect that the problem doesn't have anything to do with versions. Both machines are running FM6... however, I suspect that the machine that created the file was 6.0v2

Is there any chance that these problems have to do with being on a Linux Server? I've been experiencing other relationship & file weirdness since we moved from a PC based server to the linux one.

When I create relationships I normally just point to the files directory location. Do I need to be pointing it towards the hosted file, via 'Hosts'?

any help would be really appreciated


The Server should not be accessible except by using Hosts. Turn off file-sharing on it and disconnect any mapped drives you may have to it. No one should be able to access it via Windows Explorer.


Let me be more clear...

The Files are NOT accessed by anyone, but through Server. It is only within filemaker (when scripting & defining relationships) that I direct Filemaker to the files in their directory ( vs. the files listed under hosts).

I don't think this is the typical "don't share files but threw Server" scenario.



You should not have access to the directory either. This is inviting problems and corruption.


Go aound and delete or zip all copies of the files except for those on the server. Make sure any backup copies on the server are not in the FM Server folder.

I usually rename files before putting them onto a server, to make sure there won't be any confusion. This renaming is easiest done with FM Developer.


Filmdbs, -Queue- and Vaughan are not being pedantic. Filemaker stores a very long list of file references, so if your script one day says "open the file on the server", it may say something completely different the next day--"open the local files"-- depending on what you or your scripts have done.

I direct Filemaker to the files in their directory ( vs. the files listed under hosts).

I take this to mean there are two copies of the files, one on the server, one on the local machine. Unless you are talking about Opener files, it is almost always a bad idea to have two active sets of files with the same names and/or functions.



Thanks for the response... sorry if I'm making this more confusing then it needs to be.

I've always been very regemented in making sure that all other file sets are zipped up. There is only one set of files.

Based upon the results from Status(CurrentFilePath), Filemaker is opening the same file twice. It's opening it once as a hosted file & once as a non-hosted file.

I direct Filemaker to the files in their directory ( vs. the files listed under hosts).

When defining relationships, and filemaker asks you to find the related file, you can either navigate to the file via the displayed file directory or you can select the hosts option, and from the hosted files list, select the file that way. I have always done the first... never the second.



LIke Queue says - there is absolutlely no way you should even be able to see the files in any "open file" dialog or on the server. You have things set up incorreclty and you risk file corruption.


Just so you know where we're coming from--this is an OS sharing issue, not so much Filemaker. The directory that contains your FM files should be completely invisible to the operating system. I can't tell you how to deal with that on a Linux server (but oh, how i wish i could--i'm going open source one of these days!).



OK, now I'm really confused. Obviously, I've been operating under an incorrect assumption for a long time now.

Here's my question:

If I setup the Servcie so that the files are completely invisible... how do define relationships & related functions? Must I always use the hosts dialogue?

taking a big step backwards...



how does this work if you develop a series of related files and then, at a latter date, decide to host them with sever? Do you have to go back and redefine every single relationship, script, and valuelist - so that they're directed to the host vs. the previously 'relative pathway'?


Yes, you should *always* use the Hosts dialog if they are on server. It's a little bit slower, but heaps faster than rebuilding corrupted databases later.

Ideally take the files off FMS, put them on your local hard disk and develop them there until you at least have the basic data design worked out. Put them back onto FMS once you're done so others can see them.

As Jerry says, if you can see the files by any way without going through Hosts then you've got file sharing turned on, and that will lead to tears. Daily or weekly file recovery is NOT normal operating procedure for FMP files.

<sigh> Is it my imagination or has there been an epidemic of posts where people are sharing FMP files on network volumes?


<sigh> Is it my imagination or has there been an epidemic of posts where people are sharing FMP files on network volumes?

<sigh> I've noticed that too. One thing i've learned from phone support: If you get a call that you've never dealt with before or only dealt with a long time ago, expect two more calls just like it within a week. Evidence of a higher power? (From Redmond, Washington perhaps?) smile.gif



Hears a laugh...

this blows my mind! I've never seen it any filemaker documentation. The professional developer whom I learned from, never mentioned directing everything through hosts...

So what do you do when you need to re-order layouts? You can't do that while a file is being hosted? What happens when you move the system to a local machine and FM can't find the host?

my fm world is crumbling beneath my feet


So what do you do when you need to re-order layouts? You can't do that while a file is being hosted?

Take the system down at an offpeak time. I login remotely in the evenings to do layout order changes or modify field definitions.

What happens when you move the system to a local machine and FM can't find the host?

If the databases are all in the same folder, this won't be a problem.

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