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Ability to set records showing limit in IWP

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It would be nice if FMP would allow us to set the # of records that will show in IWP on a layout that is view as a list. Currently it is set to 5 records. I just talked with tech support and they said the reason for setting it so low was so it would not tax the machine that the database was on. What about machines that are built to handle it? They are still forcing us to only see 5 records. In my book, this is a huge problem. We don't want to go into custom web publishing. One of the reasons we went to FMP 7 was the increased functionality of IWP and how easy it is to put a simple database on our Intranet. Ok, enough ranting for now. This just bugs me big time. I did a couple of searches on the forum and I know I am not the only person that feels this way.


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