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Anyone know of a "Mapquest like" plug-in???


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I know this is a lot to ask of anyone writing plug-ins, but has anyone here ever seen a plug in that can return data from Mapquest or Yahoo Maps, or a simnilar service, based solely upon zip code?

Our database manages thousands of kids across the country who promote musical acts for us and when accepting new members, we try to accept the ones who are close to major cities, not in the middle of West-Jabib so when someone lives in a city we have never heard of, we have a quick launch button on the screen that opens Mapquest in a browser window, but then we have to manually enter the zip code to find exactly where they live.

It would be nice to just automatically pull that data from either mapquest or yahoo maps or a similar service and it be instantly visible on the screen in a small container field.

Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?


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thanks for the suggestion Transpower - actually i just figured out a workaround, here's what i did...

Searched for several different zipcodes on Yahoo Maps, noticed that all search strings were exactly same except for 5 characters and those 5 characters were the zip code, so i made two global fields, the first with all the text in the search string before the zipcode, the second with all the text after the zip code, then created a calculation field that looks something like this URL_a&zipcode&URL_b it returns the needed search string, then created a button on the layout that performs an open URL script which is set to open the url in the calculation field- LOVE this program!

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