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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

calculation function on a value list


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I have a field with 8 repeating text values called "Tour" (types of kayaking trips). I want to establish a script or calculation in the "Fee" field (city port fee) that queries the "Tour" field and returns a value in the "Fee" field based on whether the type of kayak trip listed/repeated in the "Tour" field uses a motor boat or not. If yes motor boat, then fee; if no motor boat, then no fee.

What seems to be failing is the repeating nature of the "Tour" field - niether script nor calculation recognizes the repeated values as a field.

Any advice to my friends ou there?

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Here's the calculation for the "Fee" field:

Case(Tour= "Fox Island AM" or "Fox Island PM" or "Thumb Cove Day" or "Thumb Cove Overnight" or "Aialik Bay Exploration" or "Fox Island Escape" or "Northwestern Fjord Exploration", 1.5*# of Clients,"")

All the tours listed within " " in the "Fee" calculation are tours that require a city port fee of $1.50.

Within the"Tours" field, there are other tours listed as repeating values not included in the "Fee" calculation that do not require the port fee.

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First of all, you need a specific test for each Tour possibility, e.g. Case( Tour = "Fox Island AM" or Tour = "Fox Island PM" or Tour = "Thumb Cove Day", etc. ) or a combination of the tests, e.g. Case( PatternCount( "Fox Island AMFox Island PMThumb Cove Day...", Tour )... ).

Secondly, if you want to reference all the values in the repetitions in a non-repeating field, you need to use GetRepetition( field, repetition ), e.g. Case( PatternCount( "Fox Island AMFox Island PMThumb Cove Day...", Tour ) or PatternCount( "Fox Island AMFox Island PMThumb Cove Day...", GetRepetition( Tour, 2 ) ) or PatternCount( "Fox Island AMFox Island PMThumb Cove Day...", GetRepetition( Tour, 3 ) ), etc... )

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