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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Export data from web

Steve Wright

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I apologize if this seems silly.

I have a situation whereby a client is entering information into our fmp6 databases via a cdml web page. However, they do have their own fmp6 databases and are currently having to rekey or paste the information into theirs as well as our web page. Rather than go through all the complications of linking theirs with ours what seems to be the alternative is for the client to be able to export out the data to their desktop using the web browser.

I know this probably means xml. I think i know the theory but am a little vague on the nuts and bolts.

Can anyone give me any practical advive. Or has anyone actually done this.

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Is the data originating from the Client's database?

Is the data, being entered into your database, creating a new record or editing an existing record?

How much data is being entered?

Is the Client using FM6? If so, they may also be able to use CDML to populate the Form.

A number of possibilities exist. One may be to use a Script with the "Open URL" step. Another may be to use Applescript and Javascript.

All the best.


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No the data is originating from our side, although the client needs to update their data in their own filemaker pro 6 database with some of the information in ours. The amount of data is very small by many standards. A few hundred records (text only) at most. THe problem is that we are not the only company that provides the client with similar data so we cannot persuade them to use our system in its entirety.

thanks for your help Garry.

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Hi, if your web database doesn't have really heavy traffic, then you can run an export script through the web interface.

Have a field which flags exported yes or no and then just do a find on that through the web page, running a script which does the export into a set folder.

(see the attached file for a page we have that does just that - In this example there are eleven possible export files. You need to change the extension of the file from "txt" to HTML - can't upload an html page!)

On your other database, you can run an import script every now and then (or have an (Applescript app. running on that machine which calls the import script every so often), or, if you wanted to get really tricky, have one DB email the other to trigger the script.

The export script has worked very reliably for me on a database that only got a few dozen users per day, although it was on a FMPro server that was getting maybe 75000 hits per day. The script is very fast, so it seems to avoid the usual script pitfalls and it's very simple, too.

regards, jeff


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