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Layout Object Inspector

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Suppose you have a whole bunch of different objects (portal, button, label, fields and so on)... it would be really nice if there was a little window which you could invoke to display all the objects on the layout.

Then click on the one you want to work with.

My reason for wanting this is that sometimes some objects can get buried by others and they are hard to find.


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Would be cool.

There are a couple of ways you could probably make the little window:

- based on the DDR

- or based on the responses from the IWP engine

But I'm not sure how you could then select the right object...

(Just throwing this out in case some clever people want to tackle this)

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Hi J__, this is not the same thing you're asking for, but you may find it helpful. I'm not sure it's still available in 7, but i know it is in 6.

If you think you have, say, a field buried somewhere but can't exactly find it -- you can select ANY field, then hit Ctrl-Shift-A to select all fields on the layout. Then you'll be able to see the location of the buried field. Same goes for text labels, lines, boxes, ... any element from the tool bar.

If Ctrl-Shift-A doesn't work, you may have to translate that into Mac language. Modifier keys are not always consistent between the OSes.



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This topic is 7233 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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