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Presenting fields in random order

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I'm creating a psychology experiment that requires that stimuli (different pictures) be presented in a random order to each subject. Subjects rate each piture as they appear. I assume that I should have a field for each picture, but can't seem to figure out how to present them in a random order. If you have any suggestions for how I might do this, I would really appreciate it! If the seperate fields thing isn't the best way to go, I'm open to suggestions...



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Thanks for your suggestions. I've been thinking a little more about what I'm going to need, and trying to incorporate your advice. Unfortunately I have close to no idea what I'm doing. I'll put a more detailed description about what I'd like to create out into the ether with the hopes that someone will take pity on me and be willing to give me some step-by-step instructions.

After answering a series of questionnaires (which I've already created), participants will be presented with 5 blocks of pictures - so there are 5 distinct types of pictures they're going to be looking at.

Each block contains 30 pictures.

Each picture is presented individually in a random order.

Subjects rate each picture by typing in a number from 0-100.

A button will advance the subject to the next picture.

They will then move on to the next block of 30 pictures, and do the same thing.

It is important that the presentation order within blocks is RANDOM and that subjects NEVER see the same picture twice.

Ideally, when looking at the data table, I would love to have each row represent a subject, and each column represent the rating of a specific picture (so column 1 would always be the rating for picture 1) - but as long as there's some way for me to identify that relationship (which subject rated which picture with what 0-100#), my life would complete - no, perfect!

I don't have any specific way of doing this in mind, so whatever you think would be easiest for someone who has very little experience with FM would be great!

Any help and/or suggestions would be very much appreciated!



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This topic is 7119 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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