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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Conditional value list


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In a file I am working on are two fields I have combined into one because I can't figure out how to do what I really want.

I have a list of "Areas of concern" grouped under four main categories, e.g. Academic, Behavioural, Early Childhood, and Health. Each main category has 3 - 10 sub areas.

What I wanted to do was have one field to select the main category from a value list then have the value list in the second field pop up calculated based on the first value...select Academic in the first pop up and see Academic 1 - 10 in the second pop up, or select Behavourial fron the first pop up and see Behavioural 1 - 4 in the second pop up.

Can I do this in Filemaker Pro?



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There are numerous threads discussing conditional value lists, which you could find if you did a search on this site. But, since I am in a good mood, I will make it easy for you.

You need one file that has a single record for each Category and Subcategory combination (I will call it Categories). Then you create a relationship from the main file to the Categories file, based on the Category field. Then make your Subcategory value list use 'only related values' from Categories::Subcategory.

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