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hiding the record ID column in a relational value list

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I've got a value list on a layout based on related file that has a record ID field and a text description field. I want to store the record ID after the value list choice is made but only want to show the text description in the value list and after the selection is made. I can get this to work fine showing both the record ID and the text description but haven't been able to find a simple way to hide the record ID and still use it's value. Any help to a frustrated Access programmer trying to learn Filemaker would be most appreciated.

Hunter Desportes


Others may have better advice to my experience (I hope)...

If using a pop-up list or menu, you cannot hide the id number It's what people are actually entering. I've tried hiding the id field under the name field, and it may look nice for a while until somebody opos up the list of menu, then it disappears.

An alternative method is to change the interface entirely and use a type-ahead scheme: a name is typed into a global field; matching related values appear in a portal, clicking on a portal row enters the id into a hidden field but pnly the name is displayed. As I said it's an entirely different interface, but it'll do what you want.

Personally I gave up trying to hide the id number. Users soon get used to it and learn not to worry. they know not to try to learn the numbers, but to woek off the names.


If I understand you (and I'm not sure I do), you seem to want to be able to enter data in a field, but then make that field completely unavailable.

If this is so...

Create a second layout, looking just like the main one. In the main layout, cover the field with a second (calc) field, called "Entered". The calc for this field is:


If(IsEmpty(DataField), "Enter Data", "")

Or you can create whatever message you want.

Make this calc field a button, and disallow entry into both fields. The script for the button:





Finally, give the calc field a fill that matches the background color.


Thanks to Vaughan and danjacoby for the replies.

Vaughan, I haven't tried your suggestion as I was hoping for something simpler but I may end up trying something like you suggest.

danjacoby, I don't want to make the field unavailable after entering data. What I want is a way to hide the record ID in a value list showing records from a related file, where the relationship is based on the record ID.

Part of my problem is that when using a typical relational value list in Access, the numeric "key" (or ID) column of the records is by default hidden and normally a descriptive text field is all that is displayed in the list. Users select these values but the underlying record is updated with the key value. This makes using records with record ID or keys easy and users never have to see these otherwise meaningless values. It seems strange to me that in Filemaker, there is no simple way to hide these values from the users when using these type value list.

  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately filemaker doesn't offer a way of hiding the id-field.

Which is confusing to the user and isn't very pretty to look at.

Access has a better way of dealing with relational value lists.

Hope they'll think of a solution in fm6.



so you want to choose an item from a value list (id) but see the name only.

I can think of a way. BUT....it requires a new plugin. It is called ScriptIt and it is totally COOL!.

Basically it is two plugins in one.

First is the ability to run a script on exiting a field or at a specified interval (date & time, including repetitive times). That alone is great.

But the kicker is the second part of the plugin.

Create your own xml menus in filemaker, based on (wait for it...) Static items you create in either a field or a script, a value list or records from a portal.

You can display the name only but each name has a hidden value that when you click on runs a script thats sets the value to the id)

You know what. I should go into marketing for these plugin manufacturers. I keep recommending them. Maybe I can get a discount on my next purchase

Anyhow. There is a way to do what you want.

Plus, you can make submenus within submenus. So the possiblities are endless.


  • Newbies

This problem has vexed me for months. I've been able to display the "description" field without the "ID", but it would not dynamically update if I changed the description in the child. Last week I came up with a solution (perhaps not elegant, but it works for me)???

With the value list set to display "ID" and "Description" from database_X, place another field (valuelist_filter) over top of the value list field. Define the field as a calculation as such: Right(database_X::Description, 30). The number 30 counts the number of characters starting from the rightmost character of the description. It can be higher or lower depending on your needs. (In my DB, most descriptions are 15-20 characters so this worked for me.)

Create a script "go_to_valuelist" with one script step: Go To Field (valuelist). Check "select/perform". Set the field "valuelist_filter" to a button to perform this script.

Users can then click through this field to the value list (which will show both the ID and description), but only the description will show in the top field. The best part of this solution is the description will dynamically update when changes are made to the child.

It came to me in a dream one night. I hate when I spend my sleeping hours doing calculations and scripts. Anyway, hope this helps.

  • 2 years later...
  • Newbies


concerning the type-ahead scheme (a global field in wich you enter the search criterias for the portal, in which you click on the value you want inserted):

how do you make the relationship "type-ahead"-able. When I tried it, you will have to type an exact match with the related records, the first letters won't do.

Best regards,



Hi schain, and welcome to FM Forums! For an example of type-ahead functionality, see this example by Fenton Jones. If you want to see more about this, search for "clairvoyance" on this site.

Any questions about this technique should probably be posted to a new topic.



This topic is 7476 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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