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I'm sorry this is a dumb question for most of you but how do I put databases from my computer, (Windows Professional XP, Filemaker Pro 8 Advanced), on my server, (FileMaker Server 8, Windows XP)?

Do I have to create a CD of the databases and go to the server and physically load them? I thought I could do this through the server Admin program on my PC? I'm not seeing that capability or I'm not understanding the instructions. Please help!


You have to first make sure that the files have the sharing setting turned on. Open your file then: Edit --> Sharing (or preferences i forget) --> FileMaker one.

Select Your file, turn on sharing.

Close the file.

Take the file, copy to disk, or to some shared folder over your lan.

Go to your server (yes physically :)) copy the file you just got yourself whether it be by disk or lan, go to Program Files -> FileMaker -> FileMaker Server -> Data -> Databases -> Make a new folder for your database -> Paste In here...

Then you can use your Admin console to actually open it for sharing.

Sorry i haven't done it in a while so im a bit rusty.


Thank you, thank you, thank you. I thought I was going mad.

I/we have remote administration enabled and the FMS8 Admin program is on my computer and I had thought that I could transfer the files from my Filemaker Files folder right over to the server. I don't know why I thought that. (I'm not an IT person.)I guess we are not advanced as far along as I thought.

It's late in the day now and my IT support has left for the day, I'll have him load the files on the server tomorrow. I really appreciate your help.


If you have remote administration enabled on the Server OS then from your workstation you can take over the server machine, copy the file from the shared networked folder onto the server machine and put it in the FMS folder.

No walking needed :)


I slept on it, (this problem) last night and I thought why do I have the FileMaker Server Admin program on my computer if I have to walk over to where the server is housed and copy the files from a CD? But I'm still not understanding. I've viewed the 4 step process on the FileMaker Support site and prepped my files the way they showed. I've also made sure the: do not show in remote dialog, is not selected.

The operating system is probably appropriate for the machine and purpose, the IT department set it up for me/us. I gave them all the material we got when the software arrived here. I presume they knew what to do.

The files are in a folder on my machine and I copied the folder to the Filemaker Server Database folder, also on my machine and they don't show up when I tried to Open Remote...

It is still not working, I am waiting for IT to help. It is too bad the server Admin session at DevCon '06 didn't spend some time on this specific application, Server and Server Admin for those of us who are new to this kind of stuff. It was my one and only disappointment.

I appreciate everything you all have done to help me but I'm not an IT person and I feel like I'm out of my league in this area.


The operating system is probably appropriate for the machine and purpose, the IT department set it up for me/us. I gave them all the material we got when the software arrived here. I presume they knew what to do.

The files are in a folder on my machine and I copied the folder to the Filemaker Server Database folder, also on my machine and they don't show up when I tried to Open Remote...

XP Pro is not a Server OS.

Are you saying that the files are in a FileMaker Server database folder and that folder is on your machine? If so, that's part of the problem. That folder needs to be on the FileMaker Server CPU in the correct default location. You can specify an alternate folder in a different location on the same machine as well.

Also, Port 5003 must be unblocked on the server CPU's built-in firewall.

Sorry you didn't find the Server Admin session helpful. It's one of the best programs in DEVCON history. I am sure that we can get your situation straightened out here.



The Server User Guide and the online lesson say to put the files in that directory and folders which are on my PC. I didn't know it was there on my PC initially and presume it/they got put there when I installed the Administrator Application. When I launch the Administrator Application I connect to the server but I can't find anything there in the menu bar or anywhere else that let's me or helps me move files to the server. That was very UNEXPECTED. I mean, isn't that one of the things it is supposed to do?

You know, I LOVE FileMaker. If it were human, I'd marry it, but I'm not a very tech savy person in other areas. The server administration session at DEVCON was interesting but he didn't mention one word about the FileMaker Server Admin application or what it means to be a FileMaker Server Administrator.

I am not going to panic but my boss expected me to come back from the conference and do this administration thing but I feel like I'm missing something and I'm still lost. I don't know what to do at this point.

Sorry, I'm just venting my frustration now.


I thought the FMS server was called remote admin, where as actual logging onto a server was called terminal services or remote desktop. Anyway, nvm, symantics.


I thought the FMS server was called remote admin, where as actual logging onto a server was called terminal services or remote desktop. Anyway, nvm, symantics.

Two entirely different items. Remote Administration is part of the Server Admin Tool that lets you connect to the server from a different machine to start and stop it, change settings, etc. It does not for a variety of reasons allow the physical transfer of files to the server computer, nor should it.

The database files to be hosted for access by FileMaker Pro users should be on the server, and for the most part be kept in the default folder dedicated to the purpose of hosting them. That file is installed when you install the FileMaker Server service itself. It is usually found at C:ProgramFilesFileMaker FileMaker ServerDataDatabases.



... that was the point i was trying to make. You can't physically move the file onto the server (or remove it) using just the admin tool (with remote admin). All remote Admin allows you to do is administrate FileMaker Server.. . i.e. manage files that are already hosted


Either TimBukTu (my preferred choice) or the remote desktop process can be used to add or to remove files from the server remotely. Remotely can mean in the same office or across the world.




You are the first person to say that the remote admin program does not actually move files back and forth. An IT guy, not my usual IT guy, just came over and educated me on how to move files electronically from my computer to the server.

He told me that all PC XPs have a remote administration through the Control panel>Accessories>Communications>Remote Administration. There should be a password required and after the connection is established, a desktop similar to our own machine's desktop will appear. We can then copy the files to directory and folders specified in the manual.

I did not know this until now. It is relatively simple once you know this. I hope this is helpful to all those out there like me who are not very tech savy but have this as a new responsibility.



Now, once the files are moved over to the server, either remove them from your workstation or zip all the copies. This will prevent your accidentially accessing the ones on your workstation instead of the Server hosted copies.

Your confusion about the functionality of the SAT Tool has been instructive, and I will be talking with FMI about this issue.



I did not know this until now. It is relatively simple once you know this. I hope this is helpful to all those out there like me who are not very tech savy but have this as a new responsibility.

You are not the Server Administrator, and it is unreasonable in my view for someone to expect you to know how to do this as if it were part of FileMaker Pro. FileMaker Pro is one application; FileMaker Server is something else entirely.

Please keep us posted on your progress here, and don't hesitate to post any additional questions.



To get the symantec rights:

Remote desktop = 2/3rds of how the protocol is named: "Remode Desktop Connection" or RDC

Terminal Services = if a server is set up to allow many client connections using the RDC protocol

Remote Adminstration mode = if a Windows server is set up to allow remote administration through RDC. Every Windows server allows for 2 admin connections, without having to set up TS.


Can't argue with you there.

I love that all you gifted people hang around the forums. God knows you make my life a million times easier whenever i have a problem.


Hi all,

I do not have Server 8 up and running here, but what surprises me is the remark somewhere that files need to be set to multi user (sharing on) before putting them on server. This was something that was no longer required since version 6, I believe and I cannot imagine that option being dropped in 8.

From the maintenance point of view, it can be a little tricky to have the files set to sharing. If, for some reason, you have to do some work on the files that requires closing them on server, I do not want the files to be on sharing. Sometimes, depending on your situation, within milliseconds users will still become an involuntary guest of the file you are changing and you will only notice this when you wanna close it.

So, correct me if I am wrong, but I would much prefer to set them to single user and, in the admin console that Server provides, tick the option Allow to host single-user files.

Just a remark from a practical point of view...

Other than that, Veronica, I completely understand your confusion. Sometime we forget that the abbreviations and technical terms we are used to use do not make sense to somebody who is new to this issue. I have been known to ask many questions about that as well, when I started out.

And, believe you me, setting up a server environment is a field of knowledge of its own!

Good luck with your files and stuff!


Hi there Nicky.

Multiuser status is now done very differently. The fmapp bit must be set to on in the Privilege Set of the file for the Account that accesses the file. Otherwise, the user cannot connect.

THe old "allow FMS to host single user files" was deprecated with the introduction of FileMaker Server 7, IIRC.


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