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Master layout?

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Hi, im new to using Filemaker. I was wondering if there is a way to make a master layout? Say I have a set of standard buttons that appear on every layout in the same place, do I have to create (or copy and paste) them everytime. Copy and pasting them is ok, but getting them in exactly the same place everytime takes a lot of time (unless there is a easy way I dont know of yet). Help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


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Thanks for the help. Here is an attached image of my current layout. As you can see I am already using tabs. I will be adding more buttons at the top where the other buttons are, for instance Courses, Jobs, Assesors ect. but I am not 100% sure of what buttons I am going to have yet, and I am planning to add other layouts later, but that will mean that if the main buttons change, I will need to go and change it on every single layout. Please please please tell me there is another way :)

Btw, Am I the only one who is totally frustrated that filemaker does not have a master layout function?


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See if this helps you:


These are not the tabs in FM 8+ they should allow you to show your layouts across the top of the page, make changes, add layouts, etc. and work from the same template so button changes are universal. I have not personally set this up but I can certainly see how it could be very useful.

Btw, Am I the only one who is totally frustrated that filemaker does not have a master layout function?

NO, But, I'll bet someone has already figured out how to accomplish this. I've only been working with FM for 10 months and have found that there are many, many very bright and creative people on this forum who have some really great solutions and workarounds. Perhaps someone else will chime in with better ideas than I.


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Thanks, thats a very interesting (but quite complex) way to do it. Unfortunatley I am building a complicated database, and because I am not very experienced I dont want to make things even more complicated.

Still appreciate the help though. :

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This topic is 6527 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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