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Send Event

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Can someone explain Sent Event script step to me?

In help is brief explanation.

What I want to do is open FileMaker runtime application ( I figured out how ), but how can I then perform a script?

AppleScript works fine but is there alternative on windows with send event and do script?

Can you give me few starting tips please?



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Send event lets you open any application, executable or document (with a registered extension).

In your case Send Event does exactly what it's there for.

Running a script in a runtime is something else completely. Normally you can do this through the FileMaker ActiveX interface using a VBscript. But FMI offers no ActiveX interface for runtimes so it won't work.

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And what then does "Do Script" command in Send Event?

I thought that I can insert VBscript code there like ( but in VBscript language ):)

tell application "RuntimeName"

do script FileMaker script "My Script"

end tell


On MacOSX it works with Perform AppleScript...


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I didn't know that applescript "do script" worked on a runtime by the way.

But on Windows, it doesn't work.

you could pull it off by having your target script available in the runtime app scriptmaker menu and triggering it by having a VBscript sending keystrokes to the runtime's user interface. But it might not be very reliable depending on your deployment.

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