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Michael W

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I would like to import 2 records of data from a XML file but each record has 2 subsections (each subsection has different fields and each has a different number of subrecords (please see the example below)).

Can someone please explain how to stucture the XSLT file to import 100+ records and not the first 2 records with only the 1st data item of each subsection.

eg. Record 1: "name": A

Subsection 1: "code" a1, "seq" a11, etc

"code" a2, "seq" a21, etc

"code" a3, "seq" a33, etc

Subsection 2: "size" aa2, etc

"size" aa3, etc

Record 2: "name": B

Subsection 1: "code" b1, "seq" b11, etc

"code" b2, "seq" b21, etc

Subsection 2: "size" aa2, etc

"size" aa3, etc

"size" aa4, etc

"size" aa5, etc

So the required import would be:

A, a1, a11

A, a2, a21

A, a3, a33

A, aa2

A, aa3

B, b1, b11

B, b2, b21

B, aa2

B, aa3

B, aa4

B, aa5

Edited by Guest
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