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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Finding the diffrence in time

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I need to do a couple of things related to time but my math skills are not getting the job done.

Any help would be appreciated.

I have a perfect time (pt) and an actual time (at) I need to find the difference between those two in non negative numbers, and then have text that will tell me if the difference is late or early.

example 1

pt = 13:14:25

at = 13:14:26

desired result

Field 1 = at - pt = 1

Field 2 = at - pt = late

example 2

pt = 13:14:25

at = 13:13:24

desired result

field 1 = at - pt = 61

field 2 = at - pt = early

example 3


pt = 13:14:25

at = 13:14:25

desired result

field 1 = at - pt = 0

field 2 = at - pt = zero

Field 1 represents the difference between pt & at in seconds and needs to be positive so I can do a sum to get the total difference in time over multiple checkpoints.

Thanks Kevin


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