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Tab view changes when running a script

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When I run a script the tab view changes....I might be on the fourth tab when I start but when the script completes it will refresh to the first tab.....can't find any script commands to counteract this...:P



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This is a constant complaint. Filemaker made a big design error, which I foolishly hoped they would correct with the release of 8.5. The last tab you were on in layout mode has become the new default tab...a completely moronic decision. What you need to do is have a field that is unique to each tab and do a GoTo Field(unique field) and a Commit Record (or an empty GoTo Field()) at the end of the script. You can put a hidden field on each tab and make it very small and non-enterable.


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  • 2 weeks later...

With the ability to give an object name to a tab, you can use the script "Go to Object" to open the panel on the tab you want.

My question is: is there a way to "get" the currently opened tab? (to save in a variable, for example, so I can go back to it later)

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