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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×



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Any help would be really appreciated.

I am trying to setup a form with FileMaker fields that will email a response to the site visitor. I am using the standard CDML tags for the mail components. I seem to be having a problem with the mail server address.

The mail server is located at "mail.host.org". In all the FileMaker documentation I've seen, the mail server is referenced with "smtp.yourhost.com". Does anyone know if "smtp" is required in the server reference, or if there is another way to reference the server, like using the actual IP address? Thanks.....


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  • 5 weeks later...


Just type in the actual name of *your* SMTP host.

Note that some mail systems have one machine for incoming mail (often called the POP or IMAP server) and a different machine for the outgoing mail (the SMTP server). The folks at FMP were just being extra explicit in reminding you that the SMTP server name goes into the -MailHost CDML tag.

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