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Hi all,

I have a huge problem I cant come around:

I have to export data from one computer with FM8 to another computer with FM8 by floppy and automatic script.

I use Export by TAB separation.

Exportet file is 690 kb.

By importing in the second computer everything works great except that some data come to wrong fields.

How should I do so all data comes to right fields and without clients doing something else than trigger the export/import script.

Hope someone could help.




Hi there

when you issue your import records script step you will see that not only can you specify the file that you want to import from but below it also specify the import order




Dear Phil,

Yes, I have told FM that In what order I want to import but still some fields not come right.

Should I use anything else than TAB-separation?



Hi Per

I do not use seperators, What I do is save a copy of my file and import from that copy.

That way the file and fields are instantly recognizable to the import routine



Per Lind, did you create a script for this, and "set" the Import order, by checking the [x] Specify import order? It's a little tricky, because you cannot set the import order unless you've first specified a file. But you don't want to specify the file. So what you do is specify a file with the correct order, then set the import order, then uncheck the file. You also want to check the [x] Perform without dialog on the left.



I have tryed "creation order", or in block order.

I will try as your suggestion.




I don't think it matters much about what order the records are actually in. What matters is that the import is scripted, that a dummy file is chosen,* the import order set up, then "saved" by checking the box. At that point the file chosen can be unchecked; I think anyway :-? Perform without dialog is checked; the file choice dialog will still show, because it was not checked, but the import order dialog will not.

*The dummy file should have either field names as the first row (but don't tell FileMaker that if the real data doesn't), or recognizable data for every field; so you can line em up.


You can get around the tedious business of field-matching by:

1. exporting in FMPro format

2. set the "import records" script step to Specifiy Import Order > matching names.

The costs of this will be larger exported data files and longer import/export times. Unless your datasets are huge most likely these increases will be negligible.



This topic is 6543 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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