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I receive this message no matter how I modify my files. I have upgraded Web Companion. Appreciate any help!!!

HTTP Error 405

405 Method Not Allowed

The method specified in the Request Line is not allowed for the resource identified by the request. Please ensure that you have the proper MIME type set up for the resource you are requesting.

Please contact the server's administrator if this problem persists.

Here is my code............



<TITLE>Search Database Template</TITLE>



<H2>Search for Companies</H2>


<P><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-db" VALUE="Company.fp5">

<P><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-format" VALUE="results.htm">

<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="-findall" VALUE="Start Search">

<P><INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form">




[This message has been edited by JeffHumphrey (edited January 04, 2001).]


On first glance your code seems to have all the requirements for the -findall action tag.

However, what I notice is your <form> structure. You start <p><form..., which is appropriate. However, I have never used the <p><input... which you use. I do not know how touchy html is, but this could be the problem. Try eliminating those four <p>'s and start each line with just <input...

I hope this is useful.


Keith M. Davie


The url can work without the layout tag.

This is a HTTP error isn't it? My documentation says that a FMP error 405 is "number of records exceeds number of records that can be omitted." I dunno what an HTTP error 405 is. Can anybody explain further?

Try using the -max tag to control the number of records returned... try limiting it to 10 to start off with.

As a test try -findany and see if it'll work.


OK, shortly after posting I realized that the "<p>" solution I offered was not it and I hope you didn't lose much time on that dead-end.

And I know that "-layout" does not have to be specified to accomplish what you desire (though if there is more than one layout that tag is recommended).

A hyper-text transfer protocol problem which has to do with a MIME. This gets beyond me, but I assume you are talking about being in the development stages and not on an active Internet hook-up. In other words you are working on a fake LAN or ethernet.

Thus I would suggest making certain that is setup correctly in your machine.


Keith M. Davie


I am connected to a cable connection and the computer has a static IP. That's what's driving me crazy. After reading and setting up web companion it looks so easy to publish a web site, but when I click on the submit button in search.htm, I hear a couple of clicks and then the MIME error. From what has been posted here, I understand I need no CDML in the default.htm (homepage), all I need is an anchor that takes me to the search.htm, from there I'm doing a -findall that should take me to results.htm. Does this sound correct? I hate to keep asking questions, but I'm buffaloed! Here is the results.htm code. (the search.htm is above)




<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Field Name1" VALUE="" SIZE=25> -->

Company Name: <input type="text" name="Company Name" value="">

<!--City: <input type="text" name="City" value="">

County: <input type="text" name="County" value="">

State: <input type="text" name="State" value="">

Zip: <input type="text" name="Zip" value="">

Phone Area Code: <input type="text" name="Phone Area Code" value="">-->




[This message has been edited by JeffHumphrey (edited January 08, 2001).]


If you are using the basic/standard custom format files that HomePage 3 generates then I might know what the problem is... the "Find All" button on the search page doesn't work very well (or at all) in my experience.

Does a "normal" search work?

BTW: I fixed the find all feature by making a separate form on the page especially for that button, and stripping out all the unnecessary hidden fields and stuff.


Your results.htm code is a Form Action code which (structured correctly) allows the user to input data into the blank fields. As it is it lacks an action tag, and other tags appropriate to a Form Action.

1. try to avoid spaces in naming things (fields, etc). Short names make life simpler.

2. try showing your results in a table using the [fmp-record]...[/fmp-record] tags and [fmp-field] tags.

3. developing on-line is gutsy.


Keith M. Davie



just curious, when and why has your Find all button never worked? We use ours all the time. In fact, i would say that 90% or our on-line solutions use the find all button in about 97% of the searches done on the respective database.

interesting none-the-less



This is just the standard-as-HP3-makes-them set of search and result pages.

I dunno. I'll have to check again.

This topic is 8814 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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