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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

date value list


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hello I'm new to filemaker pro and I need some help

with my database. I was wondering if it is possible

to create a value list than contains the current date as well as a few of the dates after it. If it is possible I would appreciate anyone showing me how to do it. :)

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You can create a repeating calc with the number of repetitions being however many days you want.

Get ( CurrentDate ) -1 + Get ( CalculationRepetitionNumber )

With it being 5 repetitions, you will today's date plus the next 4 days. You can then create a value list based off this field.

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While the right idea, if you make that calculation stored then it won't update, if unstored, then it can't be used as a valuelist.

I suggest adding a StartDate field, then the repetition calc becomes:

Extend(StartDate) - 1 + Get(CalculationRepetitionNumber)

Now you can change the StartDate via a script, and the valuelist will recompute.

Here's a sample file to show you a possible setup. I've added a script to demonstrate switching the current date to today. Check the valuelist (set to 2/2/2002 now), then run the script to move the valuelist to today.

You could run that script as a startup script when the file was launched, or via other scripts you have.


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This topic is 6278 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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