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Filemaker and Paypal Coordination

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I would like to give my users a runtime solution. I would like to have a startup layout that the user puts in their information and then when they want to use my solution the script sends them to paypal and they pay to get an unlock of the software. This would need to happen when they pay. I would like to know if anyone has done this and succeeded.



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Sending the user to PayPal is reasonably straightforward. For generating a response, PayPal does have "Instant Payment Notification (IPN)" but it's a little more complex, and if you want to automatically generate an individualized code for each user, I'm afraid I don't know where to point you.

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  • 4 years later...

I just released a set of custom functions as a FileMaker PayPal Plugin that I think you'll find interesting. It provides direct access to their web service API's via FileMaker custom functions. It's already saved me loads of time and I'm sure you'll enjoy it, too.

I'll be adding more documentation and training videos soon but it's pretty straight forward and it works great as it is now.

Feedback appreciated!

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This topic is 4658 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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