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Updating commercial application

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Purely theoretical at this stage, but I am looking to move down the path of selling an FmPro app that has been "sealed" in the Devlepoer Utilities - ossibly incorrect terminology sorry.

I have a couple of questions - the first one is not clearly covered in the manual here, and the second one isn't mentioned.

Firstly, if I need to recall the database from a client to make changes how do I make such changes? Is the USR file simply a renamed FP7 file? How do I make changes to the database and then return it to them per se?

Secondly, this is pushing it a bit, but is it possible to send a patch out to the client that replaces the current database? Eg. Is the data and actual database/layouts etc kept seperated in the above arrangement so I can send out the new look database and (assuming data structure is the same) that their existing data will slot straight in?

Any info re above is appreciated.



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