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db in runtime protected from rebuild?


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Hi - In response to some questions on protection of runtime solutions, a tech support person at FM told me that it's not possible to use Developer Utilities on the db portion of a runtime, and rebuild it with a new bindkey. In other words, if you distribute a runtime with a protected executable masterfile, someone who doesn't have your bindkey can't just make their own runtime with a brand new master file (exe) from your database. However, when I test this, it does not seem to be true, unless I'm missing something about how you set the options. I generated a runtime, then I generated another runtime from that bound database, but with a new bindkey - and it seemed to work fine.

Does anyone have any experience with this issue?



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What's even more disturbing is that you can still do this when admin access has been removed. Albeit you cannot do anything with the file that could or couldn't be done before reporocessing through the utilities.

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This topic is 6167 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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