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save a copy breaks zippscript?


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Hi - I'm having a bizarre problem. I have a db that uses a few plugins - troi file, zippscript, and myfmbutler. They all seem to be working fine. However, if I use Save A copy as... to make a backup, the zippscript stops working in the copy. Not only stops, but makes weird things happen to the field it's associated with. I've tried narrowing it down to some other issue, but if I make a copy in Windows explorer, the problem does not occur, but using Save a Copy in FM, it does. Anyone have any idea what this is about?

I'm not using the clone feature, I've tried both compacted and not compacted copies - doesn't make a difference.

Insights appreciated!

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The file's name must be hard-coded into one or more of the calculations that activates the script via the plugin. Is the name of the saved copy different from the original?

Instead of hard-coding the file name, use the Get( FileName ) function to make it dynamic.

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