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client formatted text

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I just checked my notes from DevCon, and it seems sad but true: Client formatted text overrides conditional formatted text. So -- we are still forced to create calc fields or use to display data cleanly for a report? Or did I miss something?

Is there some way to set a field to refuse or ignore client formatting (other than key command to paste unformatted)?

I'm also thinking of using a replace or loop command to strip it on existing data. (Client had been pasting text from all sources, retaining many fonts, color and sizes.) I can try to teach them to paste as unformatted, but the existing data is a mess. I'd like to fix with the least amount of fuss.

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How about putting this into the fields autoenter (update):

Evaluate ( Quote ( text ) )

This template accepts you paste something in the field, but as soon as the record is committed, such as clicking outside any of the fields, is the pasted turned into the webdings font.


Update! I forgot about the new Self-function, now it can't be stuffed into a CF directly but you can cheat by:


which is defined as:

Evaluate ( "Self" )

One weird sideeffect is that because no referenced fields are involved any more, isn't committing required ...it seems even faster, because it looks like stream editing...



Edited by Guest
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But you can't define it as a customfunction - or??

I read a nice way to put it yesterday:

"I'm paid to make decisions, not to type"

Snipped from: http://www.runrev.com/newsletter/september/issue33/newsletter1.php?id=NWLLP433796

When defined as CF is it just a click away!


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Sadly, it looks like the CF axiom holds true regarding formatting -- user formatting overrides whatever you do. Dang it. a Custom Function Conditional Formatting is more enticing than sprinkling auto entry calcs on my the problem fields, but it will do for the most egregious!

Self works in auto-entry calc, so that makes it easy to paste around now at least.

Edited by Guest
Had mindlessly wrote out the wrong acronym for CF!
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If you mean there is a way to prevent a field or all fields from accepting any user-entered, rich-formatted text, other than the previous suggestions, please share.

But disabling menus and toolbar won't help as the issue is rich text pasted from external sources, and user's cannot be reliably trained to use the "paste as unformatted text" command.

I went with AECs. Not too painful as "Self" works in ae-calc (although not in replace calc).

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