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FMS9 not working under OSX Leopard

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Hi, does anybody saw a message from FileMaker about compability with OS X 10.5 (Leopard) - I know that is some time till the new OS comes out, maybe 3-4 weeks - but I tested the last built and FMS9 refuse to start...i says it can´t start the dataserver - even with the new update 9.0v2

Any ideas? Best regards - Christoph

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There was a discussion of this on one of the Lists the other day.

[color:red]You should not presume that any current version of FIleMaker Pro or FileMaker Server will run correctly on Leopard. After that OS is officially released, then FMI can address any issues that arise.

You are, no doubt, running a pre-release version of Leopard?


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Well, this has been confirmed by FileMaker. We need a patch.

Given the fact that they are a sub of Apple, and Leopard has had a two year development window, I for one, find this an utter disgrace.

FMI needs to get their act together. Every other developer, even hostile one like Adobe, got compatibility done by launch.

Utterly disgraceful.

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SO surprised and not really. FMI still hasn't fixed a printing bug in Windows that has existed since 8.5. I hope people lose their job over this...from the top down. I am so sick of FM coming out with upgrades but not fixing bugs. Leopard was suppose to be a easy upgrade according to Apple...and their own subsidiary can't get it right!

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... you don't really have any right to whine before leopard even comes out... I mean I'm usually the first to criticize FMI for being slack but be realistic people.

Most companies don't offer compatible products for new OS releases for 2-6 months after the OS is first released, and given that Leopard hasn't been released yet... STOP WHINING.

Beta's are Beta's for a reason - things change, imagine if FMI devoted 1000 man hours to getting it compatible, compiled a release, then the wonderful apple team decided to change a tiny bit of code that screwed everything over.

FMI still hasn't fixed a printing bug in Windows that has existed since 8.5
Lol there are a few bugs that have been around for much longer than that which they seem to enjoy ignoring the existence of.
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