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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

disappearing text?

ron G

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Can anyone explain this:

I create a button; put text on it and place it on the top row of a portal. In layout mode it looks ok. In browse mode, the text disappears?:) huh?



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Looks like your relationship is NOT set to ALLOW creation via the relationship, and presently there are no related records.

In this situation there is nothing to display in the portal row because:

1. There are no records

2. You cannot use the last line for data entry

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To colorize the text background separate from the button, you either created it separately or used conditional formatting. If the button and the text are separate, it might have also be out of stacking order. Select the button itself and Send to Back, then select the portal and Send To Back (in that order). If the text was not at the front (top) then this should force it forward.

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Yes, if the handles still were selected then it might be out of stacking order. But since no handles, it is in the order it resides.

One other thing I just noticed ... the fields appear to be in the second row of the portal. If so, only the first record would ever show in the portal.

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"But this is turning into an image-analysis session. "

So? If I see another problem, I will mention it. The fields reside in a different row than the button - you can clearly see how FileMaker ALWAYS makes the background of the subsequent rows different than the first row (first row solid, subsequent rows checkered). This is how FM has always displayed portal rows differently. This is how one can always tell which IS the first row and this example shows the field in row 2.


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I meant we are busy speculating. Or at least I am. I cannot tell from looking at the picture how tall that portal row is. I see the same dot-matrix background between the fields in Browse mode, so that could be a design feature. Let the OP clarify or post the file.

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"I see the same dot-matrix background between the fields in Browse mode"

If that were so - that the portal row included both the button and fields (and both solid behind the button and dot-matrix behind the fields) then half the portal (the top half) would be solid and the bottom half dot-matrix on ALL the rows. We can simply agree to differ then.

You may not like speculating. But if I can catch a problem I see for a User (even if it is other than the question being asked) then I plan to speak up. And that's just the way it is.

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LOL, you're feisty today.

half the portal (the top half) would be solid and the bottom half dot-matrix on ALL the rows.

That would be so in Browse mode. But, assuming it is tall, you cannot see the bottom half of the second row in that picture.

I have no objection to your calling attention to another potential problem. But I think we have covered the likely causes and we need more information before forming any conclusions.

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Well ... all I did was mention "One other thing I just noticed ... " and you immediately come back with "But this is turning into an image-analysis session."

It could have ended with my questioning the second row and it WOULD have. I don't particularly have time, nor want, to get into an image-analysis session nor do I want to argue (particularly with you). But your abruptness about my response was ... abrupt and unnecessary.

So yeah, I'm fiesty and I'll take you on til the cows come home if you wish. It is clear to anyone who uses portals on a regular basis - when they view that first image - that the fields are in the second row - the second row is identical in pattern to the following rows and there is a portal row line between them all! I will NOT let my obsevation be muddied by your implications that I am over-analyzing things when all I did was mention it once!

Have a good day, Michael. :wink2:

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Thanks for all the input. I resized the underlying button and text so that each would be completely inside the first row. That fixed the problem. Another lesson learned.

Thanks again.

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Ah. Well, you are right and you are wrong. It does not matter whether the text or the button is too high (and is above the portal slightly). See first image. It would still display correctly. But I had also noticed something else which struck me as strange but I didn't think it was connected ... and it was:

There was another line above the portal (again look at the first layout picture on the first post). Now look at the the two bottom images here. This line is no doubt a Header line. Text, buttons, anything too close to this line will make the items disappear. And it was this line which made only the text (because only the text was slightly too high) disappear.


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