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upgrading and printer issues

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I have been printing price tag labels using filemaker pro for a few years. Everything worked fine until I upgraded to filemaker pro version 8.5 from version 6. Now, when I print, sometimes it prints a blank one and sometimes it prints correctly. This doesn't seem to have any order to it, aside from the fact that the first label of the day always prints blank. After that it's hit or miss. I am using a dymo label writer printer. Has anyone else encountered any issues with printers after upgrading? And if so, any solutions or setting adjustments that I am unaware of in the database?

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Dymo does NOT support printing from any 3rd party apps. (OK, they have added some support for ms office now) I have one in the office to print mailing labels (windows enviroment) and it works great with filemaker 8.0 and below but does not for 8.5 and up. (Page setup will not use right paper size) The only solution that has occured to me is to pass the information out of filemaker and use Dymo's SDK to do this. I havn't done this but have looked at it enough to know "it should work" and was more work than I was willing to put into this problem at this time. Only other thing I could suggest is make sure your print driver is the latest version. (It can't hurt.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm having an issue with the same configuration, except, when printing a label from Filemaker, it will print one blank label, print a label, then print another blank one. But, actually printing from the Dymo software works fine. Any Ideas as to why this may be happening?

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