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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

is it possible to link create a start page to link multiple independent files?


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Hi all,

had no idea what to search for so again, please let me know if I am repeating stuff...

I am trying to create a start page with 'buttons' and the idea is that each button will link to another file. Ideally I would like to run that independent file inside a frame of some sort so it seems like it is still part of the same file and so it makes it easier to return to the start page.

One thing to note is that the linked FM files have password protection in them - not sure if this will be an issue or not...

is this possible?


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still part of the same file and so it makes it easier to return to the start page

The metaphors have changed with the introduction of fm7, allowing us to have all tables in one file. But you have to explain why you think you have chosen the right tool for your endevour??


...seems more likely, as long as the genuine database issues remains unmentioned!


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thought it might be more efficient - ie to keep the size of the databases down...

Honestly, you can't predict the size of a system solely on the measures to navigate. They can come both inadquate as well as overkill, the answer given by efen, is basicly correct, but it's common sense with any RAD-tool ... but the way you economize with information, is it next to imposible to guide you in any way!

Since you bring up size as an issue:

1) What really matters is the degree of normalization the table structure has undergone to prevent redundant storage.

2) The use of images, both in fields as well as in the layouts, referenced images makes the base smaller in itself, but there would be pending dangers of the referenced images might get lost if the system is moved around to other drives.

3) The use of indexes plays a role.

4) Chained dependencies might not be a big issue sizewise, but performance deteriorate if relational approaches are ignored to more spreadsheet'ich metaphors.

What you might not realize is that the points made here, is how to make a solution as agile as posible in a networked solution, where the throughput in the wires often are found less than ideal. If this just peripherally hits your issues is a good question, we can't get anywhere without a mission statement!

Posting questions wishing that simple tricks might make you jump the hoobs occationally, are pure and simple gambling ... realize that developers optain thier goals with a not neglect-able measure of methodology ...and hardly ever by interpolating hearsays and nifty tricks.


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