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Odd Script Behavior

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I have a script that changes a value in a related field, which then updates the calced cost value for that record, which then updates an unstored calc in the the current TOG which is equal to SUM(related::cost). The script then checks the the SUM value to make it is greater or equal to zero, else roll back value etc etc.

The SUM calc is on the layout the change button is located on.


The SUM field is conditionally formatted to turn red when less than zero. If this is on, when the script goes to check the value of the SUM, even though the layout has updated with the correct new number and it has turned red, any reference to that value is the previous value prior to the script execution.

When I turn it off, everything runs fine, turn it back on, and it stops working.

I looked around a little here but there was no reference I found to this problem.


Has anybody else had this problem and is there an easy fix? Any insight into this would be welcome.

Thanks in advance

(I know it really not necessary as my scripting should curtail any user from actually generating a negative value, but never the less, the behavior is odd and obviously not a correct one)

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Apparently the switching between layout modes was responsible for the temporary fix to the issue. Now the calculation just doesn't work at all, inspite of its updating the value on the layout.

Oh well, back to the drawing board. Thanks in advance for anyones interest, but it would seem I have bigger problems than the formatting (maybe a commit issue).

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Indeed Mr. Smith it would appear there is an updater out there for my copy. I'm going to see what it does for me. Thanks for reminding me of the painfully obvious simple solutions while I was lost in a forest of calcs, scripts, plug-ins, variables, etc.

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The version reflected in your profile, is not a status symbol, it helps us to determine what Functions can be used in our responses to your questions.

My first version was FileMaker 4, by Nashoba Systems.


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This topic is 6106 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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