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Simple send email issue


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All i want to do is send an email from filemaker (8.5 advanced) out to our clientel. I dont know how to calculate fields for email puposes or anything. I have no idea where to start and ive searched but havent been able to find anything. Please help, thanks!

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You're in a list view, looking at all your clients. They each have an email address, stored in field "Email". You chose File> Send Mail. You specify Creates Multiple Emails (one for each record in the found set), and set the Email To to the Specify Field, selecting the client's email address field "Email". Type in a Subject, a Body and click OK.

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Hmm. Are you really using FM7? Is it the latest patch?

What email client? Perhaps it's just too many TO email addresses for your email client. MS Outlook has limits, to control "spamming."

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Oh, your forum profile says FMP:7.

If you right click on an icon on your desktop and choose Send To: Email Recipient, does it launch OL Express? If so, your default email client is configured OK. If not, that's the problem. FM shouldn't quit. Perhaps it's not finding the default client and failing.

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OK so apparently something is wrong with the setup at my office. I am now home, installed FM and the email seems to work fine. Though I guess i wasnt specific to what I was trying to do before. I want to send a RECORD (or the entire data from a record) by email, not just a simple email, which i am guessing requires calculations of some sort. That is what im really trying to do here. Sorry for the confusion.

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There are two approaches to sending a record. The first is to create a calc field (text) that concatenates all the data you wish to send in the email. Then set the body of the email to this calc field.

Or, you could Save as PDF the record and attach it to an email.

Depends on why you're "sending a record" in the email. Invoices would more likely be pdfs, so they have a company "image."

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Well we already send our emails out as pdf attachments, its just a process and Id like to make it easier. We already have our logo on the invoice and all other forms we send via email. I guess now i'll need guidance in creating a calc field for the data. Is there a simple "fill in the blank" type of formula used for this?

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