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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

List(Function) alpha order

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You could use:


...provided you take care of the freshing issues it exhibit, when used in scripts is it smooth sailing, with unstored calc'fields is it a mixed pleasure ...stored calc'field is it not working reliable.

Alternatively could you since you're on 8.5 Advanced, define a CF to deal with the output from List(


But again is freshing issues making it tough to use a calc'field for say primary key of a relation. Plus there is a price to pay speedwise when you whirl it thru the CF.

The fastes of them all are probably to use both functions mentioned here and Filtervalues(


Since the stuff will sort according the ValueListItems( but where ValueItems not are dealing with the found set but all via a cartesian relation.


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The List() function lists values in the sort order defined for the relationship - not the portal. So you could sort your relationship alphabetically, and define a separate sort order for your portal.

Alternatively, you could define a value list of related items and use the ValueListItems() function instead. Note that this will also remove any duplicates.

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Comment kind of say, what I'm after but forgot for a short while ... I think?? Solve the matter as long as posible via flexing the relational definition, then you might later follow up on the matter with calc'functions ... never the opposite way ... although spreadsheet'ish discourse might have made you used to it that way!


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I used the Bubble Sort Function and it works. Thank you for your help! I must have a problem with the iterations.When I use the calculation to change from carriage return to comma seperated

Case(IsEmpty(my_bubble_sortfield); ""; Substitute (my_bubble_sortfield ; "¶" ; ", " ))

I get a comma at the end of the last value in some results. I have the iteration set to 10 ( the amount of portal rows) BubbleSort (line_item_list ;10 )Am I setting the iteration wrong? When it was at "1" it would not sort list. Any help would be greatly appreciatted.

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