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1 web viewer and 2 URLs


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Hello folks,

I'm using a web viewer in order to get access to some PDFs (using SuperContainer) but since the DB must be accessible both inside and outside my LAN I need to switch the URL according to fact that the user is inside or outside the LAN.

I have tried to use as a URL the internal IP and I can access to the PDFs only when I'm inside the LAN (when I'm outside I get a connection timeout). I have changed the URL to the public IP and in this scenario I can access only when I'm outside the LAN (inside I get a connection failure error).

My first idea (even if I don't know how to make it works) is to define some kind of script that checks the user's IP address (in order to see if the request comes from inside or outside) and according to that assigning the right URL.

Is that the best way to handle it?

If so could you please let me know how I can implement it ?

Thanks for your help, I do appreciate it

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Seems like you could use Get(SystemIPAddress) and if the left 3 digits are "192" (or whatever your internal is), use internal, else use external. You could use a script for this, or calculated fields, and/or a calc in the web viewer, it depends how you're constructing the URL in the web viewer.

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This topic is 5705 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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