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Flat file from multiple tables

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I've been thinking through the logic of this issue for a few months and I haven't been able to figure out a solution. I hope someone has run across this and has some advice.

I have two tables (at least). Let's call one Students and the other Classes. It is a one-to-many relationship, so that for every Student record there are numerous Classes records.

I want to do some analysis on this data to predict Student success in their Classes, so I'd like to export the data into a statistical analysis software (SPSS). I think the best way to do that is have a flat file combining demographic (Students) data with grades (Classes).

Assuming I start with a Student record, how do I combine that with one or more Classes records?

I imagined automating the creation of new fields in a Temp Table and inserting specific data into the fields from each record and then exporting that data. But, this has run me up against FM b/c I can't find a way to automate field creation. (the underlying intent is to automate this into my solution. So I need to make the export field selections pliable)

Any help would be MUCH appreciated. Please ask questions where I haven't been clear.


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Well, I'll be darned. (FYI, the requirements of SPSS are not different from Excel, generally). I never thought that exporting from the MANY table and including fields from the ONE table would input the ONE fields' information in each record of the MANY table's records. Genius, and yet simple. Thank you FM.

And, thank YOU!!

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This topic is 5530 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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