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folderPath and SCDownload

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Hi. I am trying to get SuperContainer to download a file to my desktop using the SCDownload function of the plugin. The prototype calls for a folderPath parameter. I cannot understand what that value is. In your documentation for SC, and example is:

Set Variable[$folderPath; Value: Get ( LayoutTableName ) & "/" & ID]

That just puts the Filemaker table name into the variable. It's not a path to an SC file.

In the demo FM file, "SuperContainer Example.fp7," the folderPath gets a field cResourceIdentifier, which has the calc ""360Demo/" & id". Is that 360Demo folder supposed to be inside the Files folder of SC (/Users/Shared/SuperContainer/FIles)? I tried this with my own solution and only get an error.

My objective is to have SuperContainer deliver a file to a user's desktop without having to mount the drive that has the SC files.


Gary S

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Hi Gary,

The Get(LayoutTableName) is just a convenient way to say "use the table name as the first part of the path identifier". It's probably better to hard-code your table name, so you can use it from other layouts.

Whenever you call a plugin function, you typically only pass in the path component, not the full URL or full path to the file on the server. A good approach for resource identifiers is to include the type of object being stored (e.g. the table name, or 360Demo) followed by a slash followed by some identifier for a specific object, such as a primary key or unique UUID.

If you have a Web Viewer pointing to the SuperContainer url http://myserver:8020/SuperContainer/Files/Documents/12345 the resource identifier is Documents/12345. This is what you'd pass to the plugin to download the file, after first calling SCSetBaseURL to tell the plugin where your SuperContainer server is running.

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That folder_name/image_id process worked for me. I still don't get the abstract name "resource identifier," and the why one would use Get(LayoutTableName) since a database table has little to do with file folder structure on the hosting computer. But hey, it's working.

Here's my second related question: How about getting at the thumbnails? Can SuperContainer cause a download of the thumbnails that are generated by webviewers? The SCDownload() function example downloads the original file, the one in the SuperContainer/Files/... folders. I want to get at the files in SuperContainer/thumbnails/....



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Yes, just specify a width/height in the plugin function


This will return a thumbnail version of the image

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Thanks. Is that a version 2 feature? I did not see the extra parameters because I was reading a version 1.8 documentation on my hard drive. We don't own v2 yet. Is there an upgrade price? We have a workgroup license.

Thanks much,


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