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Importing a table issues

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Is there a way to set up a file where I can allow a user to import a table from a file in which they don't have full acces privileges?

They have complete access in the file they would be importing FROM except for some scripts, but they are not able to import a table into the new file. Shouldn't this still work?

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It sounds as if you really do mean, Import a Table and not the more common Import Records.

Have you looked at External Data Sources?

Why does this user need to import a complete table?

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No, I haven't looked at the EDS model. I will. I'm trying to make it as esy as possible for someone to add a table to their existing database by just importing the whole table, but that user doesn't have full access to the database they are trying to import, so it won't work.

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Well, without full dev access to a system, importing a table will be valueless. They can't create relationship to it, or modify scripts. I don't understand the scenario, and must be missing info. Can you describe what you are trying to achieve in more detail?

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I didn't explain myself clearly. I have 2 files. One has complete full access. The other has 2 tables, one of which I would lke to restrict complete access to, but still be able to import records from the other table. I would like to have access to the database to be able to make changes to the available table, but not the restricted table. Is that possible? Whenever I try to work on the restricted file, it grays out "database".

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Well, my first impression was correct, you're not importing a table. To restrict access to data in a table, you need to set up RLA rules. It doesn't sound as if you need to import from the table that you wish to give access to, just allow editing in that other file's table. Have you read up on FM Security?

See Chapter 6: http://www.filemaker.com/support/product/docs/fmp/fmp11_users_guide.pdf

Setting layouts to no access is not protecting the data. To me, it sounds as if you need to set up the other file as an External Reference, and build a front-end to it in the file that the user has access.

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This topic is 5074 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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