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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

How to handle sections of varying lengths??

Steven Cappiello

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I have a little database that is trying to track resume information on professionals I work with. Only problem is, their resume sections differ wildly in length and complexity. Is there a way I could get FileMaker to adjust to various lengths in sections of information? For example, if a person's work experience section spans 3 pages, yet their "awards" section lasts one,... do I have to handle this with the wonky "sliding" feature?:

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  • 2 months later...

"Wonky" is not my term, ask the original poster what they meant by it.

My guess they have little respect for FileMaker's Sliding/Printing feature.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi !

I also cannot figure out how to print fields with different size of contents. I have a text field which can contain text from 1 row to several dozen rows spanning to multiple pages. In the end of the print should be my contact information which I have placed to Trailing grand summary part. When I print I get only a few rows of the text depending the size I make the text field.

I have tried this sliding option but I don't know if how big I should make the text field. Or is there something again I'm missing ? :(

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Look into FileMaker's "sliding/printing" feature.

Basically you make the fields large enough to accommodate the largest amount of text, and FMP shrinks the fields up with printing or in preview mode (so it does not work in browse mode).

For this reason you'll probably need a browse layout and a print layout.

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This topic is 4933 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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