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Find the differences between to similar scripts

Lee Smith

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Hi everyone,

Scripts before and after importing.

I have always used TextWrangler to spot any errors in the scripts when doing this. But for some reason, probably a senior moment, I remember a discussion about a tool or a plugin that can do this. it wasn't about any of the Base Elements, Inspector etc., but one that didn't require a DDR and was done using FileMaker, I think. I tried searching the obvious Keywords here, and couldn't see anything that came close except the FMDiff which isn't the one I remember.

If you have a recollection of this and can point me in the right direction, I would be very grateful, or if you have an approach that is better than the TW way, please let me know?



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I'm doing this research for a friend of mine so that I can stay arms length to his Migrating his older files to v11. I would do the project, but I don't think it is a good idea that friends contract with friends.

I found the utility I was trying to remember. It is FmPro Script Diff by FMPro Migrator.

In Reading their pdf, it appears that it does what comparing in TW does, except you can make the changes in it, and not have to print out the differences and change them in the new script. This seems to save a step or two?

And it also seems to be similar to Clip Manager 4 where you can get the script, and then Set the Script back into the file with the changes, but I haven't test Script Diff yet. and there isn't a lot of differences between the two utilities in price.

I would appreciate any feedback you would be willing to share, especially for a person who doesn't develop FileMaker beyond his own shop.

TIA for any feedback,


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