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FileMaker error

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I am the technician at a local college, and I have been given the task of maintaining the college webserver (B&W G3, 256mb, 10gb HD, OS8.6). The person who set the machine up, has now moved to another job, and my knowledge of webserver applications is minimal. The problem started when the primary HD failed. I had backed up the web folder that contained all the files, so transfering it to the new HD was easy. The software used was "Webstar" "FileMaker 4.1" and "Lasso". Luckily Webstar and Lasso were on the "web" folder which I backed up, but FileMaker wasn't. And because I no longer have the FileMaker disks (I think the guy who left, took them with him), I downloaded the FileMaker 5 demo. I have all the applications up and running, and I know Webstar is working but when I try and access the FileMaker database via Webstar, online, it gives me this error:


An unexpected error occurred. Error: -601, error sending apple event. Make sure FMPro is running.

Contact site administrator.

I have changed the FileMaker 4 databases over to FileMaker 5, and I can access it on my browser (by typing in the ip address) but I cant seem to link them.

I think it has something to do with "Lasso", as I get this message in my address bar:


and yes, please try this out for yourselves.

What can I do?. Please help.

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First, in FileMaker error codes 601 is "combined header and footer exceed one page".

Next, (I don't know Lasso) but when you converted to FileMaker 5.0, the file suffix was changed, in all likelyhood, from .fp3 to .fp5. Thus, you need to go through all the format files and change the db names therein to agree with the new names. You did not mention that you have done this.

With the ...lasso?[add]... again, I don't know Lasso, but I would start by looking at all the form action and action link code in the format files to see if any clue was offered there.

But if the names of the files are not yet changed, that may do it for the ...lasso?[add]...., so check the names first.

Hope this is helpful


Keith M. Davie

[This message has been edited by Keith M. Davie (edited March 11, 2001).]

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Thanks for the reply Keith.

When I installed FileMaker 5 and then tried to open the databases that were done in 4.1, I firstly had to convert them to 5, and save the old ones as "old".

Is this what you mean?.



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Not really. A format file is an html document which uses cdml (or with Lasso ldml) tags. You need to examine the html documents in the Web Folder (or wherever they are stored using Lasso). You will find that the links refer to a database using language such as "...-db=courses.fp3..." The suffix .fp3 refers to FileMaker 3.0 and 4.0. Any .fp3 suffix (in the html or format files) must be changed to .fp5.



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