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editing multiple records on the web list

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OK !.. I have found the solution !.. here :

I can put my record"s" in an edit form on the web so I can only edit the first record. But on the list I can see all my records and I can write in to the fields but when I click on the edit button, my inputs on my records go in to the field of the first record. That is OK . while editing I run a script in my database. That script find my records which I see on the web, put them in the same sort order with the web and than the script goes to the first record takes the data written from the web , put it into a dummy global field, and takes the words or letters one by one according to the current record number ( or current protal row )and put them in the correct record field !..

Thanks God for that solution !..

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Another solution is to have an edit form as a button for each record on the web page.

There are some nasty consequences to using scripts called from the web.

Here is a cleaned up portion of the CDML that I use:




<font>[FMP-field: Name]</font>



<FORM Name="SignOff[FMP-CurrentRecordNumber]" ACTION="FMPro" METHOD="POST">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-db" VALUE="MyDatabase.fp3">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-lay" VALUE="webLayout">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-recid" VALUE="[FMP-currentrecid]">

<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="-format" VALUE="reload.html">

<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="-edit" VALUE="Submit">





The -format reload.html is simply a redirect to reload the same query. It contains the following body tag:

<BODY onLoad="history.back();">

[This message has been edited by dspires (edited March 13, 2001).]

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I tested your solution and it works well. Your right. scripts are always problem in case that one of the fields in the rocords on the list is empty, in that way or other. if the field is empty the seperation of the data in the dummy field goes wrong. anyhow I forced the program to fill allthe field in the records but again something may go wrong.

now I have another problem if it does not bother you.

my users on the web first enter their usernames and passwords. if thay match with the records in my database they can go other pages. but when they enter their passwords and usernames they are shown on the URL line of the browser. Do you know how can I manage to make them unvisible on URl line ?

thanks in advance

abdulkadir kaplan

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. you are right. the error is mine. I checked my code and see the reason , for some reasons, I had changed my codes from "post" to <a href...linkrec...> that serves all my secrets to the use of my users.

thanks. I have already solved the problem...


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  • 2 weeks later...

now I use that code ( history back ) in my pages. But when I press on the submit button yes the same list comes back but without refreshing the other calculated values according to that edited value in database. it cahnges but the list coming as soon as after I press the submit button is not refreshed list. I need that list be refreshed to be able to check which record has been editted ...


[ April 07, 2001: Message edited by: abkaplan ]

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