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Pictures w/ Web Companion

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Are you using custom or instant web publishing?

When you say "some of the images are different sizes" are you referring to the absolute know image size in pixels, or how they appear on the layout in FMP?

FMP can (usually does) resize an image to fit into the field on the layout. How the image appears in the web depends upon the *actual* image size -- the scan etc.

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I have created a database of books and i have images of almost all the covers in the database. But when I view it on the web some of the images are different sizes. All the images are exactly the same width, some are a little different heights. If anyone knows why it does this, PLEASE let me know, I have been working on this FOREVER!

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Part of the problem is that you are using Instant publishing. Instant is great as long as you're happy with what you get... The only alternative is to go full-hog custom publishing.

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