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Sending FM Preview Page via E-Mail

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I want to script an e-mail function that I can do manually that just is to complicated for the users.

I want to send a previewed FM page as the Body in a E-Mail message.

Manually I have to do the following:

In a FM script go to a Preview page(paused). Then I take a picture of the screen Shift/command/4. Open a Simple Text blank page and paste the image. Then do a Select all (command A) and then do a Copy (command C). Finally open a Netscape E-mail new message and paste the clipboard in the body of the message. Then Send the e-mail. I think I have covered all of the steps.

This works fine manually and I believe that there are FM plug-ins that will do this but they also do a lot more(which I don't need) and are very expensive since I have 20+ users on the system that need this capability.

Is there any other solution or must I get a plug-in?

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Should any two of your 20+ users request this script in a near-simultaneous manner you will experience some severe problems. Single threading means that FileMaker handles one task at a time. If two requests are made crashes can occur. You need to have a workaround to run your script over the web. I can also tell you that if you do develop a workaround, you will probably be unable to use the Pause/Resume script command, because any time FileMaker hits a pause, it will allow other events to occur. Thus, if during a Pause another request is received, that request will be processed and the first script will crash.



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This topic is 8507 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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